Rev Geraldine V Wiliame

My name is Geraldine Varea Wiliame. I am originally from Rotuma and a citizen of Fiji. I grew up in a staunch Methodist family and am very much interested in sports, dancing and watching movies. I am married and have three lovely children. I joined the ministry at the age of 21, went through theological training to attain a Diploma in Theology and Bachelor of Divinity at the Davuilevu Theological College. At the age of 23, I was sent on my first appointment to serve in Rotuma. I have served in a parish and two schools where I learnt how working together in communal level is of importance. During my service in the Methodist Church in Fiji as an ordained minister over the last decade, I was also involved in the ecumenical movement as a member to the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches. During my seven years of involvement, my passion grew more on finding ways to collaborate with other churches. After serving as a Central Committee member, I was inspired that ecumenism is more than fellowshipping among churches. Today, I am currently a student in the Pacific Theological College and my passion lies more on Interfaith Dialogue which calls and challenges all religions in Fiji to foster cooperation in the upper level and the grass-root level where our local churches, temples and mosques can be involved in eradicating ethnocentrism in Fiji.