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Anglican Political Theology, Blackwell Companion to Political Theology

Date added: 18/07/2016

Anglican Political Theology, Blackwell Companion to Political Theology, eds, William Cavanaugh & Peter Scott, rev edn (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, forthcoming)

The first section compares and contrasts Anglican political theology (APT) with other, parallel traditions in order to establish something of its distinctiveness. It then outlines APT’s characteristic political rationality. This provides a backdrop to a consideration of how the relationship between three distinct yet interrelated phenomena ‒ church, nation and state ‒ were understood as together constituting the polity. A key theme is how APT sought to coordinate these different elements within a coherent vision of good order and how that order was understood as a vehicle for the work of God in history. The second half situates APT in the context of how Anglicanism is in part a response to processes of modernization before outlining how key concerns in APT are an emphasis on a way of imagining the role of church and nation within history, and providence as a doctrinal point of reference.

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