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"Apostle of Ethnology": Agnes C. L. Donohugh's Missiological Anthropology Between the World Wars

Date added: 11/08/2016

This article by Benjamin L. Hartley, on '"Apostle of Ethnology": Agnes C. L. Donohugh's Missiological Anthropology Between the World Wars', was published in the April 2016 edition of the International Bulletin of Mission Research.

International Bulletin of Mission Research April 2016 40106-118first published on April 22, 2016 doi:10.1177/2396939316637853


Agnes C. L. Donohugh (1876–1966) taught at Hartford Theological Seminary’s Kennedy School of Missions between 1918 and 1944, the leading graduate program in mission studies in North America prior to World War II. The first missionary student of Franz Boas at Columbia University, Donohugh influenced the shape of graduate anthropological education for missionaries in America more than anyone else in the interwar period. Donohugh’s story provides a window into understanding how anthropology was first used in mission education in America.

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