Joining in with the Spirit by Kirsteen Kim
Date added: 01/09/2016
Joining in with the Spirit: Connecting World Church and Local Mission
by Kirsteen Kim
Published by: SCM Press
Published: 2010, reissue edition 2012
ISBN-13: 9780334046080
Joining in with the Spirit makes the connection between mission as the work of mission agencies overseas and mission as the activity of a local church. It shows how, through the global flows of scholarship, missionary movements and migration, mission initiatives in different parts of the world impinge on the churches in Britain, which are but part of a world church. Joining in with the Spirit is an accessible introduction to mission studies - the history, theology and issues of mission, which is up-to-date and supported by contemporary scholarship.
It also offers a theological framework for mission, which applies both globally and locally, to help the reader discern the movement of the Spirit of Christ among the many other spirits of this world. This text illustrates the impact of the 1910 Edinburgh world missionary conference and shows how the churches in Britain as a part of a much wider movement of the Spirit of Christ that is world Christianity.
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