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Psalms of Struggle and Liberation by Ernesto Cardenal

Date added: 27/08/2015

Ernesto Cardenal,  born on January 20th 1925 in Granada, Nicaragua, was a revolutionary Nicaraguan poet and Roman Catholic priest who is considered to be the second most important Nicaraguan poet, after Rubén Darío.

Click here to read a biography of Ernesto Cardinal, The Poetry Foundation

Cardenal's poems in Salmos ('The Psalms of Struggle and Liberation', 1964) represent his rewriting of the biblical psalms of David and condemn modern-day evils. These poems, like many of his others, express the tension between his revolutionary political fervour and his religious faith. The book culminates in an apocalyptic view of the world, a theme that becomes an obsession in later works.

Buy The Psalms of Struggle and Liberation

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