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Research seminar and global Christianity event

Date added: 01/12/2016

The Queen


Monday 12 December 2016

in the Handsworth Room at The Queen’s Foundation



Please rsvp to Anjana Parmar at by Monday 5 December if possible if you want to attend and also let her know if you require lunch which can be provided.


1100          Coffee and tea served in the back of the dining room


1130          Welcome and introductions (Fran Porter)


1210          The Revd Christo Balraj, The Chosen-Others' Reading the Story of the Other and the Chosen: a post-conflict reading of Joshua 6:1-24. (45 minute paper)


The Revd Christo Balraj is Principal of St Thomas’ School, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka, priest in the Diocese of Colombo and former lecturer at the Theological College of Lanka. He is a Queen’s/VU split-site PhD student on sabbatical from Sri Lanka and with us for 3 months working intensively on his research. Christo says: ‘I will focus on issues in Joshua 6, examining how scholars have addressed the passage and comparing this with how representative Tamil and Sinhala Christians in Sri Lanka read the text for their situation.’


1300          Lunch


1400          ‘Home and Away: reflections on scripture, culture, and experience on two continents’


A facilitated conversation about church, research, gender, and Christian mission with Dr Princess Idialu (educator, head teacher, author) and The Very Revd Dr Raphael Idialu (Old Testament Scholar, Director of Missiology, Methodist Theological Institute, Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria and Queens MA 2011).  Facilitated by The Revd Dr Keith Riglin, Chaplain of Kings College London.


1500          Finish

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