Global Conferences
Conferences in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America
Each year we are planning to hold four 'Writing-for-publication-Conferences': one each in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America.
These will be for 3 or 4 days for about 20 theologians. Five will present papers on a particular theme and there will be plenty of time for discussion and revision during the conference. The papers will be published on this site on the last day of the conference.
Mission Theology Anglican Conference - Anglican Theology and Public Engagement
Date: 24th - 27th April 2017
Venue: Diocesan Guest House, Recife
Led by: Co-chairs: Professor Joanildo Burity, Lead Researcher/Professor at the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation and Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings, Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion
Mission Theology Anglican Conference - Reconciliation and Mission
Date: 27th March - 30th March 2017
Venue: St George's College, Jerusalem
Led by: Chairs: Bishop Graham Kings and Dr Muthuraj Swamy
Mission Theology Anglican Conference - Mission in Oceania: Some Contexts and Currents
Date: 26 - 28th June 2017
Venue: Pacific Theological College, Fiji
Led by: Val Ogden, Aisake Casimira and Graham Kings
Mission Theology Anglican Conference - Contextual Mission in India Today
Date: Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st October 2016
Venue: Ecuemenical Christian Centre, Bangalore
Led by: Co-chairs: John Samuel Ponnusamy, Dean of the Ecumenical Christian Centre, Bangalore and Bishop Graham Kings, Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion
Mission Theology Anglican Conference - Contextual Mission in Egypt Today
Date: 18-20th April 2016
Led by: Co Chairs: Dean Samy Shehata, Alexandria School of Theology and Bishop Graham Kings, Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion