
Mission Theology Sabbatical - Dr Muthuraj Swamy

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Footage by Bishop Graham Kings during a visit to the temporary Cathedral in Malakal, South Sudan.Bishop Hilary Garang from South Sudan is on Sabbatical in the UK at Ridley Hall during the autumn semester of 2016. Jer 39 Dr J Aruldoss, former Prin, American College, Madurai, responding to Hrangthan Chhungi's paper on Indigenous Peoples Short video of the Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Matanzas, Cuba, where Bishop Graham took part, with 30 other mission theologians from around the world, in the WCC's Council for World Mission and Evangelism conference. Lectern, Parish Church Mthawira, Jibu Sani African worshippers Painting of poor people in Rome, on which previous photo's nativity tableau was based in San Marcello Al Corso Short video of The Very Revd Hosam Naoum, Dean of St George's Cathedral, Jerusalem and Manager of St George's College, opening our Webinar this afternoon at 2.00pm Jerusalem time (8.00am Recife time and 8.00pm Tokyo time).