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Mission community working worldwide to change lives through sharing Jesus.
Gateway to all aspects of the University's web presence.
Mission agency working in partnership with Anglican churches and communities around the world.
Website of the worldwide communion of Anglican churches in over 165 countries. Includes contacts to Theological Colleges around the World.
Each day throughout the year one of the bishops and dioceses of the Anglican Communion features in this cycle of prayer, inviting our intercession.
The oldest Anglican mission agency (founded in 1698) and working in the UK and around the world to help people to grow in the Christian faith, especially through Christian literature and education.
The truth of the Gospel and the call to dialogue - a report from the Anglican Communion Network for Inter Faith Concerns.
Equipping churches in the majority world equipped for mission and maturity in Christ.
Dictionary of African Christian Biography
The DACB is an international undertaking aimed at producing an electronic database containing the essential biographical facts of African Christian leaders, evangelists, and lay workers chiefly responsible for laying the foundations, shaping the character, and advancing the growth of Christian communities across Africa.
All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC)
The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) is a fellowship of Christian churches in Africa which confess Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures.
Center for Global Christianity and Mission, Boston University School of Theology
The Center for Global Christianity & Mission is committed to supporting and understanding the global Christian community through critical reflection, faithful witness, and thoughtful engagement with multiple cultures.
Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide (CCCW)
CCCW encourages a deeper understanding of the worldwide and missionary nature of the Christian Church. It maintains a distinctive balance between study and engagement. The staff welcome members of the public, students and researchers to use its resources.
The Mundus Database is a web-based guide to more than four hundred collections of overseas missionary materials held in the United Kingdom.
World Council of Churches: Commission on World Mission and Evangelism
A worldwide fellowship of churches seeking unity, a common witness and Christian service.
The Nagel Institute works to link Christian scholars worldwide.
Based at St Mark’s Pro-Cathedral in downtown Alexandria, the Arkan Centre is a place where Egyptian youth from all corners of society, both Christian and Muslim, come together and create art. The Arkan Centre supports talented young artists by providing facilities for producing and displaying youth artwork, and cultural and artistic workshops.
Globethics.net is a worldwide ethics network based in Geneva, with an international Board of Foundation of eminent persons. It provides an electronic platform for ethical reflection and action. Its central instrument is the internet site www.globethics.net. For its activities in research and access to knowledge in ethics, Globethics.net can also be called a learned society.
fulcrum aims to represent the centre ground of evangelical Anglicanism in the church and in wider society. fulcrum seeks to do this through the Church of England Evangelical Council and its Diocesan Fellowships, in synods, other church bodies, and through the media.
Covenant is the weblog of the Living Church Foundation, an independent, non-profit ministry seeking and serving the full visible unity of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Our writers are lay and ordained leaders who serve in parishes and dioceses, in schools, and in para-church ministries across the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and the wider body of Christ.
Rethinking Mission
The Rethinking Mission online journal enables people around the world to engage, on an equal footing, in dialogue about what it means to be involved in mission today.
Universities and Colleges
St Paul's University, Limuru, Kenya
St. Paul’s is a Christian Chartered University in Kenya that offers societal relevant education focusing on the whole person. Theology courses are offered from Diploma through to Masters level.
The Bishop Gwynne College, Juba
Bishop Gwynne College is one of the most treasured and honoured institutions in the Episcopal Church of the Sudan. Named after Llewellyn Gwynne, the pioneer missionary of the Church Missionary Society in Sudan, it has trained most of the leading clergy and bishops of the Episcopal Church of Sudan.
The United Theological College, Bangalore, India
The College was inaugurated in July 1910 under the name 'The United Theological College of South India and Ceylon' as a Christian College where students may obtain a sound theological education.
South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS)
SAIACS is an institute for postgraduate theological studies and research in Bangalore, India. They strive for biblical and contextually relevant theological studies so that students can make a meaningful and significant impact in their diverse ministries—including, Churches, Mission Fields, NGOs and Christian organisations, Bible Colleges and Seminaries—for the glory of God.
Middle East
Alexandria School of Theology, Egypt
Founded in 2005 by the Egyptian Diocese, the Alexandria School of Theology offers theological education to men and women, from Diploma to PhD level.
St George's College, Jerusalem
St George’s College Jerusalem is a Continuing Education Center of the Anglican Communion. It is part of the Anglican diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East.
Latin America
Centro Anglicano de Estudios Teleologicos Superiores (Guatemala)
Headed by The Rt. Revd Julio Murray, Diocese of Panama, and the Very Revd Miguel Palacios, Dean, Diocese of Guatemala.