
Mission Theology Seminar 12th May - Robert Heaney

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Hielke Wolters, Associate Gen Sec, with Clare and Alan Amos The President of ‪Zambia‬, Edgar Lungu, gives a short address after the Eucharist at ACC 16 today. The Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings with attendees 6th Century head of crozier of Pope Gregory the Great lent to Canterbury Cathedral for Primates' Meeting 2016 - Graham Kings photo Elizabeth Joy and Claire Reynolds A carving of African Christian Theology in the Library of St Andrew's College, Kabare, Kenya, by Benson Ndaka Bishop Graham gave greetings at the Episcopal Church in Matanzas, Cuba, the first Protestant church in that town, built originally in the 1880s. Here, the parish priest, Tulia Sanchez, explains the development and growth of the church. Attendees at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion seminar by Professor John Mbiti discuss his seminar