List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag Archbishop
The Pope and the Archbishop in the Middle East: Religion, Politics and Faith
Revd Dr Yazid Said

The Revd Dr Yazid Said reflects on the significance of the visits, in May 2017, of Pope Francis to Egypt and of the Archbishop of Canterbury to Jordan and Israel/Palestine.

African Joy of the Gospel: Interweavings No 8 April 2016
29/04/2016 An Interweaving

I left Lusaka, Zambia with fond memories of family celebrations, hospitality, delight in God and the African joy of the gospel.

Bishop Sprints at Convention
G Jeffrey MacDonald

Before Bishop Kings began his job in England, he was in the United States outlining his vision for the role and providing a glimpse of what is to come. That meant nudging the primates of Brazil, South Korea, and Pakistan to reflect theologically at a luncheon panel sponsored by Virginia Theological Seminary's Center for Anglican Communion Studies and the Compass Rose Society.