List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag india
Early Anglican Mission Invovlement in India: Theological Reflections

Professor Jeyaraj considers the Lutheran-Anglican (SPCK) early engagement in mission in South East India based a Tranquebar and elsewhere

Indian Christian Responses to Anti-Conversion in India: An Assessment and Some Proposals

Dr Muthuraj Swamy, MTA Continental Editor for Asia and a MTA Sabbatical Scholar, gave this seminar, 'Indian Christian Responses to Anti-Conversion in India: An Assessment and Some Proposals' on 22nd in Durham and on 16th March at Lambeth Palace.

Foundations of Protestant Christianity: The Roots of Anglicanism in Colonial Coastal Andhra: Madras Presidency, India
Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty

This article by Dr Santha Varikoti-Jetty, looks at 'Foundations of Protestant Christianity:The Roots of Anglicanism in Colonial Coastal Andhra: Madras Presidency, India.' This is the first article by Dr Varikoti-Jetty looking at this subject.

Bengaluru: Contextual Mission in India: Interweavings Number 15, November 2016
23/12/2016 An Interweaving

Bishop Graham's 15th Interweavings is a reflection of his time in Bengaluru for the Mission Theology Conference in October 2016.
This article is also available to read on Covenant: http://livingchurch.org/covenant/2016/12/22/bengaluru-contextual-mission-in-india/

Book Review of David Joy's 'Overlooked Voices: A Postcolonial Indian Quest' by Sindhu Joseph
Sindhu Joseph

This book review from Sindhu Joseph, of David C.I. Joy's book 'Overlooked Voices: A Postcolonial Indian Quest' explores a book that searches for the native voices that stood firmly for the freedom and emancipation of the people of God in India during the British Raj.
This review has also been published at Bangalore Theological Forum, Vol. XLVII, No. 2 (December, 2015).

This is my body, this is my blood: Implications for Mission Theology from a Dalit perspective

A Seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, given by Elizabeth Joy, at Lambeth Palace on 11th October 2016 and Durham University on 2nd November 2016.

Contextual Mission in India: From Women's Perspective
Doing Mission in Context: Christian Mission as Invitation in Contemporary India

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Bangalore, October 2016 by Dr Muthuraj Swamy.

The Mission of Jesus Christ in India Today
Contextual Mission in India: Evaluations and Directions

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference held in Bangalore in October 2016.

Church Missionary Society in Coastal Andhra, 1850-1950: Mediating Change among the Malas
Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty

This article by Dr Santha Kumari Jetty looks at the work of the Church Mission Society among the people of Coastal Andhra in India in the later half of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries.