List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag ecclesiology
Simon Barrington-Ward: Anglican Ecclesiology of Grace in Brokenness
Revd Dr Andy Lord

Andy Lord considers the subtle ecclesiology, generated from contextual Anglican mission, by Simon Barrington-Ward, General Secretary of the Church Mission Society 1975-85, who was later Bishop of Coventry.

Anglican/ Episcopal Identity as Mestizaje Ecclesiology
Daniel Munoz

This article from Daniel Muñoz, looking at the Anglican or Episcopal Identity as Mestizaje Ecclesiology, is available here in both English and Spanish.

Is 'Postdenominational' Christianity possible?: Ecclesiology in the Protestant Church of China
Rev. Dr. Ruomin Liu

Chinese Protestantism is the most rapidly growing form of Christianity of our time: each year about one million adults are baptized as new members of the registered Protestant church, now counting over 30 million members. And this is only one side of the story: there are also thousands of non-registered congregations, the so-called home or house churches, which account for another over 30 million members, demonstrating the same growth rate of one million baptized adults every year. Every day a new congregation is established in China. In this article, Prof. Dr. Miikka Ruokanen, in cooperation with Dr. Liu Ruomin and Dr. Chen Yongtao look at this phenomenon and its theology.
Reproduced with the permission of Dr. Liu Ruomin and John Wiley and Sons.

Koinonia as an image of Ecclesiology for Egypt today
The Centre Holds: Primates 2016 in Canterbury - Interweavings No 5 Jan 2016
27/01/2016 An Interweaving

An article focusing on the Primates' Meeting 2016 at Canterbury, by Bishop Graham Kings, Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion.

Cardinal Kasper and Vatican II: Ecclesiological Investigations
Graham Kings

Consideration of Cardinal Walter Kasper's book The Catholic Church, commentary on his address at the recent Conference on Vatican II at Georgetown University, and part of the text of a key Vatican II document on Unity and Communion. This article was originally published on Covenant and is republished with permission.