List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag church
The Protestant Church of Kanaky: assessing the evolution of the church and the theology she has tried to develop and apply

Rev Billy Wetewea, Protestant Church of Kanaky, New Caledonia, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji June 2017, exploring the Church-State and colonial impact in New Caledonia considering in particular the Kanaky people.

Simon Barrington-Ward: Anglican Ecclesiology of Grace in Brokenness
Revd Dr Andy Lord

Andy Lord considers the subtle ecclesiology, generated from contextual Anglican mission, by Simon Barrington-Ward, General Secretary of the Church Mission Society 1975-85, who was later Bishop of Coventry.

Second Revival In Episcopal Church Among the Dinka in South Sudan: 1970-2010

Bishop Hilary Garang Deng, from South Sudan, was a Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Sabbatical Scholar from September to December 2016. This is a paper he wrote for a lecture at the Cambridge Theologican Federation.

Cuba: Mission Studies and Missional Formation: Interweavings Number 13, September 2016
30/09/2016 An Interweaving

In September Bishop Graham travelled to Cuba to be part of the World Council of Churches, Council for World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) consultation in Matanzas. Here he reflects on his time there.

Missional Church: more a theological (re)discovery, less a strategy for parish development.
Edward Prebble

Edward Prebble looks at what 'Missional Church' really means - is it best understood as a theological concept?
This article was first published in Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 46, no. 2 (Nov 2014).

Church growth is mainly about attitude
Canon Angus Ritchie

Many different approaches are winning new disciples: you don’t have to be Evangelical, argues Angus Ritchie
This article first appeared on the Church Times website and is reproduced here with permission: https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2016/2-september/comment/opinion/church-growth-is-mainly-about-attitude

Church Missionary Society in Coastal Andhra, 1850-1950: Mediating Change among the Malas
Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty

This article by Dr Santha Kumari Jetty looks at the work of the Church Mission Society among the people of Coastal Andhra in India in the later half of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries.

What place should works of art have in churches, and does it make any difference whether they are beautiful or not?
Georgina Morgan

This article reflects on the role art plays within worship and the limits of what is appropriate for use in churches. It also explores some ideas of what 'beauty' is and the importance of this for art in places of worship.

Is 'Postdenominational' Christianity possible?: Ecclesiology in the Protestant Church of China
Rev. Dr. Ruomin Liu

Chinese Protestantism is the most rapidly growing form of Christianity of our time: each year about one million adults are baptized as new members of the registered Protestant church, now counting over 30 million members. And this is only one side of the story: there are also thousands of non-registered congregations, the so-called home or house churches, which account for another over 30 million members, demonstrating the same growth rate of one million baptized adults every year. Every day a new congregation is established in China. In this article, Prof. Dr. Miikka Ruokanen, in cooperation with Dr. Liu Ruomin and Dr. Chen Yongtao look at this phenomenon and its theology.
Reproduced with the permission of Dr. Liu Ruomin and John Wiley and Sons.

That they may be one: Anglican interdependence and clergy education in the Church of Uganda

Zachary Guiliano reflects on some of the points raised by The Revd Dr Griphus Gakuru in his recent Seminar, focusing on education, Anglican interdependence, and ecumenical cooperation.

The Church of Uganda and Speaking Truth to Power: Lessons from Nathan the Prophet

A Seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, delivered by The Revd Dr Griphus Gakuru at Lambeth Palace, 17th March 2016.

The Michael Ramsey Book Prize 2016: Interweavings No 6 - February 2016, by Graham Kings
29/02/2016 An Interweaving

Bishop Graham offers comments on two of the six excellent books shortlisted for the 2016 Michael Ramsey Prize, by Francis Spufford and Frances Young.

Owing a debt to Owen Chadwick (1916-2015)
Graham Kings

Reflections on the life, work, quotations and influence of Owen Chadwick, doyen of British historians and Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge, for 27 years.