List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag brazil
Recife: Anglican Theology and Public Engagement: Interweavings No 21, May 2017
01/06/2017 An Interweaving

For May's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Recife, Brazil.

Public Theology and the Brazilian Religious Field: Questions and Contributions from an Anglican Perspective

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil, 24-27th April 2017.

God is not homophobic: An Anglican Contribution to Overcoming Homophobia

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.

Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue: A Mode of Doing Public Theology

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.

Biblical Notes on Mission and Theology: Doing theology through activism for life

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.

Public religion and public theology: the message of justice and affirmation of pluralism in a divided and commodified society

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.