List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag anglican
God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines Interweavings No 23 July 2017
31/07/2017 An Interweaving

For July's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the future of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, its publications, programmes, partners and people, and asks for prayers for a new venture.

Recife: Anglican Theology and Public Engagement: Interweavings No 21, May 2017
01/06/2017 An Interweaving

For May's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Recife, Brazil.

Early Anglican Mission Invovlement in India: Theological Reflections

Professor Jeyaraj considers the Lutheran-Anglican (SPCK) early engagement in mission in South East India based a Tranquebar and elsewhere

Public Theology and the Brazilian Religious Field: Questions and Contributions from an Anglican Perspective

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil, 24-27th April 2017.

God is not homophobic: An Anglican Contribution to Overcoming Homophobia

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.

Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue: A Mode of Doing Public Theology

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.

Biblical Notes on Mission and Theology: Doing theology through activism for life

A paper from the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference in Recife, Brazil from 24th - 27th April 2017.

Jerusalem Intercontinental Webinar, Interweavings No 20, April 2017
11/04/2017 An Interweaving

For April's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, a webinar hosted by St George's College, Jerusalem.
This article was also published on the Covenant website, available here: http://livingchurch.org/covenant/2017/04/20/jerusalem-intercontinental-webinar/

A story of growth and decline
The Revd David Goodhew

David Goodhew examines why some parts of the Anglican Communion are growing fast and others are not.
Originally published by the Church Times (https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2017/6-january/features/features/a-story-of-growth-and-decline) and republished here with permission.

Growth and Decline in the Anglican Communion: Interweavings No 19, March 2017
21/03/2017 An Interweaving

Bishop Graham's Interweavings for March focuses on Growth and Decline in the Anglican Communion: 1980 to the Present. Edited by David Goodhew, Director of Ministerial Practise at Cranmer Hall, St John’s College, Durham, it was published by Routledge in December 2016.

Out of the Depths: Interweavings No 18, February 2017
04/03/2017 An Interweaving

For February's Interweavings, Bishop Graham looks at the newly launched book from the Anglican Inter Faith Network (AFIN) of the Anglican Communion, 'Out of the Depths.'
This is also published on Covenant, available here: http://livingchurch.org/covenant/2017/03/04/out-of-the-depths/

Foundations of Protestant Christianity: The Roots of Anglicanism in Colonial Coastal Andhra: Madras Presidency, India
Dr. Santha Varikoti- Jetty

This article by Dr Santha Varikoti-Jetty, looks at 'Foundations of Protestant Christianity:The Roots of Anglicanism in Colonial Coastal Andhra: Madras Presidency, India.' This is the first article by Dr Varikoti-Jetty looking at this subject.

Anglican/ Episcopal Identity as Mestizaje Ecclesiology
Daniel Munoz

This article from Daniel Muñoz, looking at the Anglican or Episcopal Identity as Mestizaje Ecclesiology, is available here in both English and Spanish.

Du Theatre a la Mission Therapeutique de L'Eglise: Un Regard sur L'Eglise Anglicane du Congo
Kahwa Njojo

An article by Professor Kahwa Njojo, looking at the Anglican Church in the Congo. Please note, this article is in French.

Rome: 50th Anniversary Symposium and Lecture: Interweavings Number 14, October 2016
18/11/2016 An Interweaving

Bishop Graham's October Interweavings reflects on his visit to Rome for the 50th Anniversary of the Anglican Centre in Rome, and a lecture he gave at the Pontifical Urban University.

Anglican Mission in the Middle East up to 1910
Duane Miller

This chapter by Duane Miller, taken from the forthcoming book 'The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume III: Partisan Anglicanism and its Global Expansion 1829-c.1914', explores the issue of Anglican identity in the Middle East up until the Edinburgh Conference of 1910
This is a draft of a chapter that has been accepted for publication by Oxford University Press in the forthcoming book The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume III: Partisan Anglicanism and its Global Expansion 1829-c.1914 edited by Rowan Strong due for publication in 2017.

Cairo Conference: Interweavings No 9 May 2016
31/05/2016 An Interweaving

Bishop Graham's May Interweavings reflects on the time he spent in Cairo for the first Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference.

Facing the Criticism: Towards a Critical and Constructive Anglican Missiology

A Seminar of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, delivered by The Revd Dr Robert Heaney at Westminster Abbey on 12th May 2016.

African Joy of the Gospel: Interweavings No 8 April 2016
29/04/2016 An Interweaving

I left Lusaka, Zambia with fond memories of family celebrations, hospitality, delight in God and the African joy of the gospel.

That they may be one: Anglican interdependence and clergy education in the Church of Uganda

Zachary Guiliano reflects on some of the points raised by The Revd Dr Griphus Gakuru in his recent Seminar, focusing on education, Anglican interdependence, and ecumenical cooperation.

Being Anglican: Perspectives from Africa
The Revd Dr Titre Ande Georges

A paper presented by The Revd Dr Titre Ande Georges, Bishop of Aru Diocese in Democratic Republic of the Congo, whilst on Sabbatical at Ridley College in Cambridge.

The Michael Ramsey Book Prize 2016: Interweavings No 6 - February 2016, by Graham Kings
29/02/2016 An Interweaving

Bishop Graham offers comments on two of the six excellent books shortlisted for the 2016 Michael Ramsey Prize, by Francis Spufford and Frances Young.

Pentecostal/Anglican cooperation? New horizons in mission

This article from Dr. Zachary Guiliano considers Revd. Dr. Wonsuk Ma's stimulating paper from the recent seminar, and asks questions of theology, mission and unity for the global church.

The Centre Holds: Primates 2016 in Canterbury - Interweavings No 5 Jan 2016
27/01/2016 An Interweaving

An article focusing on the Primates' Meeting 2016 at Canterbury, by Bishop Graham Kings, Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion.

Climate Justice: Insights from African Anglican Theologians - Interweavings No 4 Dec 2015
04/12/2015 An Interweaving

This is an edited version of an address given at the Partners in World Mission conference, Swanwick, on 4 November 2015, and was first published on the Covenant website, 2 December, 2015.

Charles Simeon: Roots and Ramifications - Interweavings No 3 Nov 2015
19/11/2015 An Interweaving

A sermon given at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge on Sunday 15 Nov 2015, based on Colossians 1:3-12 and Luke 2:25-38.

Bishop starts global quest to heal rifts in the Anglican Communion
Bess Twiston Davies

Graham Kings, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Mission Theologian, is reaching out to the church’s ‘Global South’, writes Bess Twiston Davies.
This article is reproduced with kind permission of The Times newspaper.

Bishop Sprints at Convention
G Jeffrey MacDonald

Before Bishop Kings began his job in England, he was in the United States outlining his vision for the role and providing a glimpse of what is to come. That meant nudging the primates of Brazil, South Korea, and Pakistan to reflect theologically at a luncheon panel sponsored by Virginia Theological Seminary's Center for Anglican Communion Studies and the Compass Rose Society.

Interview with Graham Kings: Dutch Perspectives

As he begins his new post as Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, Graham Kings speaks to Wim Houtman and Dick Schinkelshoek, religion journalists with Nederlands Dagblad, the evangelical daily newspaper in the Netherlands.

The Mission of God and the Future of the Anglican Communion

An address given at the lunch organised by the Center for Anglican Communion Studies (VTS) and the Compass Rose Society at General Convention of The Episcopal Church, Salt Lake City, Friday 26 June 2015

Raising up the Voices of new 'Doctors of the Church'

The faith background of Graham Kings and the priorities of the post of Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, published originally in Anglican World, the magazine of the Communion and republished with permission.

The Servant of Global Periti

The background to Graham Kings's conversion and missionary vocation and an outline of the post of Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, which he takes up on 16 July 2015, published originally in The Living Church and republished with permission.