List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag Catholic
Church history and the Catholic Church Mission in Tonga: Looking Afresh at Early Missionary Approaches

Viliami Kiola, who is training fo the Roman Catholic Priesthood at the Pacific Regional Seminary, Suva, gave this paper at the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, Fiji, June 2017 exploring the history of Roman Catholic Mission in Tonga.

Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance
Graham Kings

On 7th October, Bishop Graham gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome on Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance.
This paper is also available in Italian here:

Cardinal Kasper and Vatican II: Ecclesiological Investigations
Graham Kings

Consideration of Cardinal Walter Kasper's book The Catholic Church, commentary on his address at the recent Conference on Vatican II at Georgetown University, and part of the text of a key Vatican II document on Unity and Communion. This article was originally published on Covenant and is republished with permission.