List from All Articles and Interweavings containing the tag evangelical
Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance
Graham Kings

On 7th October, Bishop Graham gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome on Evangelical-Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission, 1977-84: Insights and Significance.
This paper is also available in Italian here:

Review of Elaine Storkey's 'Scars Against Humanity'
Natalie Collins

Natalie Collins reviews a powerful book from theologian and author Elaine Storkey. 'Scars Across Humanity' considers the problem of violence against women on a global scale.

Reflections on the Water - The 2016 Laing Lecture
Thomas Creedy

Consultant to the Mission Theologian, Thomas Creedy, offers some reflections on a stimulating lecture given by Dr Anna Robbins to the faculty, students and friends of London School of Theology. Exploring the theme of collective repentance and implications for reconciliation, this lecture offers a profound challenge to the Church, particularly in the West, but with potentially global and institutional implications.

Charles Simeon: Roots and Ramifications - Interweavings No 3 Nov 2015
19/11/2015 An Interweaving

A sermon given at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge on Sunday 15 Nov 2015, based on Colossians 1:3-12 and Luke 2:25-38.